I have had bi-weekly sessions with Azzaddine for over 15 years. I credit him for my fitness and health. I am in my eighties, I am energetic, flexible and continue to have a productive and satisfying life. I have every intention to continue my sessions with him for the next 10 years.
— Ursula G.
I have been training with Azzaddine for over two years. He is a master at designing unique, effective workouts that are super challenging and interesting. Azzaddine really understands the body and there have been several times when he has helped me to heal an injury. Working with Azzadine has greatly improved my strength and overall fitness. And for an extra bonus, he is extremely thoughtful and nice to be around!
— Johanna Beyer, Life coach, On Your Path Consulting
Azzaddine is really excellent! He is uncanny with his ability to work your muscle groups differently practically every time you have a session. He pushes you just enough to make you work when you are getting accustomed to a routine. And he really knows his anatomy.
— Ron A.
I have been training with Azz since 2007. Azz has absolutely propelled my strength, coordination, balance, flexibility and agility, and running speed. Every workout is creative, original and distinctive from the last one. I have never been bored with an ‘Azz Workout’ and am always challenged. I am confident that Azz ensures that we ‘hit’ all the muscle groups. With Azz’s guidance, I feel balanced and finely tuned. In addition to the physical composition, Azz has pushed and coaxed me through the psychological and emotional challenges that come with maintaining a basic exercise routine and training for marathons. Azz has lifted my confidence and prepared my body for a dozen 1/2 marathons and 2 Boston Marathons. Much gratitude to you, Azz!
— Molly, 47-year-old mother of 3 boys
Last year while training for my first solo swim attempt to cross the Sea of Cortez, I hired Azzaddine as a personal trainer. I was looking for a new approach to strength training as opposed to the traditional linear iron pumping exercises I had been doing the last 30 years. Azzaddine introduced me to functional exercises with a creative twist that focused on producing power from my core. The results were immediate and I would recommend his service to anyone who would like to complement their aerobic conditioning with strength training.”
— Paul Lundgren, Fit2Race, Inc.
A friend introduced me to Azzaddine over 10 years ago and I haven’t looked for another trainer since then. He is a lifetime learner, always working to improve his knowledge and in turn, his clients’ workout experience. He works to push you to achieve your goals, but without the often over-zealous or uninformed approach that might cause injuries. His depth of kinesiology enhances his ability to modify your workout to meet your goals or adjust due to your body’s limitations whether you are healing from surgery or an illness. He is a professional with a positive, kind demeanor and a great sense of humor. What I particularly like is that he pushes you by continually changing your routines, keeping them fresh and enjoyable. I wholeheartedly recommend Azz!
— Katherine H.
My wife declared that we were getting personal training from Leonie. I had no desire to have a personal trainer, being quite content to be a couch potato. However, even after the first session with her, I was hooked. Unlike the drill sergeant I had envisioned as a PT, Leonie is extremely supportive and encouraging. She is very positive and tailors her workouts to your level of conditioning and your age. On top of that, Leonie is very personable and easy to communicate with and it has been a very positive experience.

We have been working on my balance (following a series of minor strokes) and my core. It has improved my overall health as well as my day to day mobility. Despite my extreme laziness, Leonie has pushed me out of my sloth-like state to enjoy exercise. I actually look forward to seeing her and wish I could have more sessions with her.
— Chris Wei
I have trained with Leonie for several years. I find that she is particularly tuned into the needs/wishes of her many clients. She listens and cares.
My goals when I started were multiple: weight control, core strength, overall body conditioning and strength.

As I’ve aged and with some associated injuries my regimens have altered under Leonie’s excellent training while still working towards my goals.
My results with her are good weight control which has helped maintain decent blood pressure. I have overall better stamina and body strength.
I feel really good, my medical exams are excellent. Though I’m older I’m able to perform the activities I’ve always enjoyed - golf, skiing…

I would recommend Leonie without reservation. Her ability to tailor training techniques to meet client needs is exemplary.
— Robert Iles
Training with Leonie has been a positive attitude, inspiring, and architect of a game plan to fit goals. Those are just 3 of many “Upsides” to Leonie LaPoint. You give ALL of yourself to her and her game plan, she will train you to where you want to be.Thats a fact. Leo is one of the best tests of my will and physical limits I have ever had.

I came to Leonie, overweight and out of shape. I was 5’3” and 176lbs and did not feel good about myself. 6 months later....146 lbs, in my best physical condition, and my A1C blood sugar count plummeted below 7. 156 was my playing weight in high school. I’m now a 60 year old man.
Results: a 30 lb drop in 6 months? It’s true. I still have her work-out sheets today.

Quality of life, health, and physical demands became manageable. I didn’t even require as much sleep.. It got to the point where no one was going to outwork me. And I didn’t want to disappoint Leo.

I owe everything to Leonie BUT....At the end of the day, it is up to YOU, her client.
— Vern Glen
Training with Leonie has been great because she is considerate of my limitations and works with me at MY pace. She never makes me feel badly about my slow progress, so I’m encouraged to keep at it.

I wanted to build and retain muscle as best as I could. I have very loose ligaments therefore I have a difficult time building muscle and get injured easily. Also, I wanted to keep from losing bone mass. Losing both muscle and bone mass was happening as I’m getting up there in age. So, the “big” goal was and continues to be — to stay as realistically fit and strong in order to hopefully age well.

Leonie’s kind and understanding approach keeps me from quitting and, instead, coming back for more! She’s the best!
— Madeleine Sklar
Leonie has been a terrific trainer and person! I love working out with her. She pushes you, but also realizes that you may come in days where you are tired and just need a lighter workout. She is very attuned to her client’s needs and fitness goals. She keeps workouts interesting and diverse and employs a variety of exercises to tone and strengthen the entire body. Each workout is different.
Leonie employed an approach of diet and exercise that was completely doable and consistent. I will continue to work with Leonie 3 times a week because I love how the workouts make me feel!
I’ve lost weight, I sleep better, I’m in a better mood, I have more energy and focus…the list goes on!
If you are looking for a trainer that will truly listen to your needs and create a manageable diverse plan to reach your goals in a sustainable way, Leonie is your person!
— Stacy Azcarate
I have enjoyed training with Leonie for more than 10 years. She has challenged me to do my best and is always so upbeat with such positive energy. My training with Leonie has helped me through my recovery of a broken wrist and a hernia repair. Her buoyant attitude lifts my spirits and makes the hard workouts enjoyable.
While training with Leonie I have maintained my weight at a consistent healthy level. She helped me with my recovery of a severely broken wrist and a hernia repair. My core is strong, and coordination is very good. My posture has improved because of the core work. My muscles are well toned, and I have a nice sense of well-being.
Being fit has allowed me to live a full and satisfying life.

Leonie is great to train with. She is creative and knows how to improvise exercises with or without equipment. She works with your weaknesses to improve and strengthen those areas.
— Richard Stewart